Seeing the little things -
and bring them into sharp focus

See the bee in the photo?  
That’s what everybody sees. A bee alighting on a sunflower.  
You could say this was almost a happy accident (thank you, Bob Ross). 
I say “almost” because I wasn’t sure the bee was going to land on the sunflower – but I watched it flying around and thought it could happen.  
After years of training my eyes to see the shot, and know my equipment all I needed was a little setting up and patience… 
But most of all… 
Awareness of the moment before it escapes.  
Awareness that there is a moment at all. 
That’s one of the things I love about photography. Seeing the little things and then bringing them into sharp focus – just like the bee on the sunflower.  
The same can be said of AI. When you’re building AI, it can almost seem like a happy accident – like it just comes together naturally. That’s only the way it looks.  Behind it all there’s… 
– Preparation 
– Patience 
– Focus  
– And knowledge about equipment and software  

Just like in photography. 
When the time is right, you’re there to make that solid decision capturing exactly what you need. 
No, you don’t know exactly when it will happen, but you wait and watch – ready. (Like taking a photo of a bee visiting a sunflower). It starts from the idea and goes all the way down to the very core of the AI infrastructure. And all anyone sees is a beautiful photo of a bee on a sunflower…  


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2803 MC Gouda
The Netherlands